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Creating a Terms of Trade Agreement
Does your business offer your customers credit terms? The main thing is that your terms of trade make it clear to your customers what to expect and minimise the business risk to you.
Terms of trade are not generic documents, and they are the subject of considerable litigation.
Give careful thought as to what terms of trade best suit your business. We can show you some sample templates for various Terms of Trade Agreements just to get you started. An internet search will reveal companies that can provide ready-made terms of trade documents.
Every business has different areas of exposure to risk, and different needs as regards terms of trade agreements. Your solicitor is the best person to draft a terms of trade agreement suitable for your business, especially if there is any possibility of exposure to litigation through issues such as liability or warranty.
We are happy to go through it and identify the issues most relevant to you so that you can instruct your legal advisor on your needs.